Calc I Reading Activities
Purpose of Reading Activities in Calculus:
To achieve our course reading goal: Students will be able to communicate mathematically by reading for understanding and clearly articulating
mathematical ideas/results/reasoning both orally and in written form.
Reading comprehension (textbook reading, reading comprehension in context of modeling from theoretical statements and interpreting the meaning of mathematical statements, notation and equations)
At least one per module
One goal is to build their ability and confidence with the set-up for typical calculus word problems (optimization, related rates etc) by exposing them to more of this type of scenario earlier.
Things like - statements about relationship - write relationship symbolically.
Go to optimization and related rates word problems and take settings
Can we do the different reading levels - different problems at different levels.
Students read Section 1.3 (New Functions from Old) and Section 1.5 (Trigonometric Functions) and then complete textbook homework problems without any discussion of content in class.
Students are given Reading Activity 1 to complete outside of class as a practice reading activity. They will be able to consult with other students in the class before handing this